
Showing posts from April, 2023

Existing WebRTC is not great for broadcasting use cases

WebRTC was originally designed for real-time communication with a small number of participants, where latency requirements are extremely strict (typically <250ms). However, it has also been utilized for broadcasting use cases, such as YouTube Studio or Cloudflare CDN, where protocols used in the past have been different, typically Adobe’s RTMP and protocols based on HTTP. WebRTC offers a new range of broadcasting use cases, particularly those requiring hyper-low latency, such as those with audience interactivity, for instance, user reactions or auction use cases. However, choosing WebRTC comes with tradeoffs, including increased complexity, scalability challenges, or lower quality. While it's possible to address the first two with enough time and effort, the primary concern should be how to obtain the best possible quality. Why do we have lower quality when using WebRTC? First of all, a clarification.  In a perfect network with infinite bandwidth there is no much difference in q